Adventure World Wiki

Holiday Escape is the 8th and final expedition in the West Pole Adventure. There are two secret locations hidden under blooming flowers on this map.

Item Quantity
Supplies 250
Food 3
Fuel 3
Water 3


Doors Open!

  • Use the First Lever.
  • Use the Second Lever.
  • Use the Third Lever.

Present Push

Melt The Ice

  • Ask Friends for 10 Books of Matches.
  • Collect 20 Pieces of Coal.
  • Destroy 10 Ice Sculptures by Melting them.



Time Limit Unlocked at Maximum Rewards

Holiday Escape

5 Days N/A

Stars0600 XCoin3 XFoodNoBack

Stars11200 XCoin5 XFoodNoBack

Stars21400 XCoin8 XFoodNoBack

Stars31800 XCoin12 XFoodNoBack

Stars42200 XCoin15 XFoodNoBack

Stars52800 XCoin20 XFoodNoBack