Adventure World Wiki

Snowy Forest is the fourth expedition in the West Pole Adventure and was launched for Christmas 2011. You need to complete the previous three expeditions to be able to play this expedition. The map is, as is the rest of the West Pole Adventure, adjusted to a snowy atmosphere with ornaments instead of vases and Snow Snakes instead of ordinary snakes. The enemies in this map are Snow Snakes with level 17 and have 8HP. There are 2 secret locations in this map and rusty keys are needed to open these.


Pole Position (150XP)

  • Ask friends for 10 Pole Polish
  • Recover the first Pole Piece
  • Recover the second Pole Piece
  • Rebuild the West Pole

Ken's Holiday Gift (50XP)

  • Disarm or use the Blue Spike Trap
  • Disarm or use the Green Spike Trap
  • Disarm or use the Red Spike Trap

Ice to meet you (50XP)

  • Ask for 10 Ice-B-Gone
  • Destroy 10 Icicles by melting them with Ice-B-Gone



Time Limit Unlocked at Maximum Rewards Bonuses

Snowy Forest

5 Days N/A

Stars0 ? XCoin|? XWaterNoBack

Stars1 600 XCoin|5 XWaterNoBack

Stars2 700 XCoin|8 XWaterNoBack

Stars3 900 XCoin|12 XWaterNoBack

Stars4 1100 XCoin|15 XWaterNoBack

Stars5 1400 XCoin|20 XWaterNoBack

Stars1 ? XCoin

Stars2 ? XCoin

Stars3 ? XCoin

Stars4 ? XCoin

Stars5 ? XCoin