Adventure World Wiki

The Gauntlet is an expedition in Chapter 1: The Secrets of El Dorado and is available as soon as you reach level 31. The map is an El Dorado type of map.

Time Allowed 3days


Item Quantity
Supplies 5400
Food 5
Fuel 5
Water 5


Brave the Gauntlet

  • Go past 4 Log Traps (try to disarm them first!).
  • Investigate the Treasure Room.
  • Break 3 Treasure Room Stone Blocks.
  • Get 3 Azure Skulls.

Disarm Alarm

  • Collect 15 Thorn Branches.
  • Repair 3 Log Trap Disarms.

Investigate Statues

  • Clear 3 Ensnared Jaguar Statues.
  • Investigate 3 Ensnared Jaguar Statues.



Time Limit Unlocked at Maximum Rewards

The Gauntlet

3 Days N/A

Stars0 800 XCoin|5 XOilNoBack

Stars1 1600 XCoin60 XOilNoBack

Stars2 1800 XCoin80 XOilNoBack

Stars3 2200 XCoin100 XOilNoBack

Stars4 2600 XCoin120 XOilNoBack

Stars5 3200 XCoin150 XOilNoBack